Thursday, November 17, 2011

On self-publishing

While I used to be able to publish textbooks fairly easily with traditional publishers, it is almost impossible to publish my more recent attempts at popular writing. For several years I have self-published. Most self-publishers are no more than "vanity publishers," appealing to those who like to see their name on the covers of books and are willing to pay for it. After one experience paying for publication, I decided this was really a rip-off. Why should I pay for someone to make money on my efforts? I switched to a publisher who does not charge me for publication but whose business model is to charge exhorbitant fees for the purchase of my books--even to me. I have recently switched to Create Space, an Amazon division. They do not charge me and sell me my books at a reasonable price. The fly in the ointment is that I have to prepare the copy for print myself on my computer. Computer skills are not my strong point and I wind up spending more time trying to get spomething ready for publication than writing the material. I'm not exaggerating.

So there are no free cigars. "Nightmare," a 400 page compilation of four Morrie Schwartz, psychologist (my alter ego) fantasies and "I dreamed I was a bluebird," advice to parents on explaining dreams to children, will soon be available on Amazon. If you should happen to read either of these (master)pieces and find typos, please don't tell me; just read on.

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